How to start

You can sign up to Donably by filling out a single page in two minutes .
Barion registration
Having a Barion Wallet is a necessary for using our system.
Payments and electronic invoices for Donably are provided by online payment processing platform Barion Payment Zrt.
License Number: H-EN-I-1064/2013
Institution Identification Number: 25353192
It's important that you perform a complete registration, so please remove the check from the checkbox on the Barion site.
Donation page
When you’re done registering, sign in to Donably, then select Donation Page from the user menu.
Here is where you can create your donation page by filling out just one form.
Share your donation page>
All you have to do to collect funds is share the link to your donation page whenever you publish.
By clicking this link, your supporters can access your page and send you funds.
Yes, this is really that simple!
Get started now!